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Run Google CloudBuild steps ΒΆ

Forge can be used to run, test and debug Google CloudBuild steps (e.g.

Forge is specifically focused on running individual CloudBuild steps (e.g., not entire build config files. For example, Forge is not intended to run a build config file such as:

  - name:
      - build
      - -t
      - '${PROJECT_ID}/my-docker-repo/my-image'
      - .

Rather, it is intended to run an individual step from within a build config file, like so:

forge cloudbuild -- build -t '${PROJECT_ID}/my-docker-repo/my-image' .

In the previous example, the -- is important to signify to Forge that the rest of the arguments are meant to be passed to the underlying step, not parsed by Forge itself. Additionally, the '' are important to keep your shell from doing the substitution before Forge can get ahold of it.

Forge mounts the current working directory to the step's as well as a directory respecting the XDG Base Directory Specification to the step's /workspace.

Forge will try to source the default substitutions (e.g. for PROJECT_ID above) from the working directory's Git configuration as well as ~/.config/gcloud.

Forge can modify the entrypoint to a Google CloudBuild step as well, like so:

forge cloudbuild --entrypoint bash -- -c "docker build -t '${PROJECT_ID}/my-docker-repo/my-image' ."

In the previous example, "" are important to pass the entire docker command as the value to bash's -c flag.

For additional debugging, you can attach to the container running the step to snoop around:

forge cloudbuild --attach -- build -t '${PROJECT_ID}/my-docker-repo/my-image' .

The step's image must have bash or sh on its PATH for the attach to work.