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Import as a Go module ΒΆ

Forge can be used as a library as well. Each type of step from a proprietary CI system is represented as a Runnable. For example: a GitHub Action.

There are a few additional helper Runnabless: Pipe, which pipes the stdout of one ore to the stdin of another and Pure, which simply runs one containerized command.

In this example, a Pipe is used to pipe the stdout of a GitHub Action, which is using actions/checkout to check out, to a Pure running grep to only printing lines that contain the string "debug":

import (
    // Some stdlib imports omitted for brevity.


func main() {
    cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv, client.WithAPIVersionNegotiation())
    if err != nil {

    globalContext := githubactions.NewGlobalContextFromEnv().EnableDebug()
    globalContext.GitHubContext.Repository = "frantjc/forge"

    // Checkout
    // using,
    // grepping to only print debug logs.
    if err = (&forge.Pipe{
        From: &forge.Action{
            Uses:          "actions/checkout@v4",
            GlobalContext: globalContext,
        To: &forge.Pure{
            Image:      "alpine:3.20",
            Entrypoint: []string{"grep", "debug"},
    }).Run(ctx, docker.New(cli, ""), forge.WithStdStreams()); err != nil {